Benji, Zax & the Alien Prince is a live-action Hanna-Barbera and Mulberry Square children's science fiction television series created by Joe Camp, the creator of the Benji film franchise. The series aired Saturday mornings on CBS in 1983 with repeats airing in the United States and internationally for a number of years through the 1980s.
The series was taped in various parts of the Dallas–Fort Worth Metroplex, with interiors taped at the Las Colinas studios in Irving, Texas. The entire series was released to DVD by GoodTimes Home Video as four separate releases of 3 or 4 episodes each and a single release with all 13 episodes.
The popular canine Benji acts as the self-appointed guide and protector of the young Prince Yubi of the planet Antars and his level 2 asynchronous droid, Zax. The crown prince in exile is pursued by the ruthless hunters Darah and Khyber, on orders of the tyrannical warlord Zanu, who has taken over the planet and is holding the queen prisoner. Zanu has the king of Antars killed and imprisons the queen. Prince Yubi (whose actual age in Antarian years is unknown) must find a way to survive on this strange planet Earth, which he does not understand at all, while avoiding capture by Zanu's hunters.
- Benjean as Benji
- Ric Spiegel as Zax / Harwell Thompson
- Christopher Burton as Prince Yubi
- Ken Miller as Zanu / Zord
- Angie Bolling and Anna Holbrook as Darah
- Josef Rainer and Dallas Miles as Khyber
- Lisa LeMole as The Queen
- Tosha Moody as Tanya
- Melvin Dacus as Trask